1441 Raising height and repairing to property boundary wall around MSSR building at LBSI Airport, Varanasi
TRN : 866006 |  Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 78.87 Lacs | Agency Name : Airports Authority Of India
Tender award for raising height and repairing to property boundary wall around mssr building at lbsi airport, varanasi
1442 Raising height and repairing to property boundary wall around MSSR building at LBSI Airport, Varanasi
TRN : 866007 |  Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 78.87 Lacs | Agency Name : Airports Authority Of India
Tender award for raising height and repairing to property boundary wall around mssr building at lbsi airport, varanasi
1443 Restoration of Basic Strip of Runway, prevention of soil erosion, extension of Apron and associated works at Shimla Airport on Design and Build basis
1444 Restoration of Basic Strip of Runway, prevention of soil erosion, extension of Apron and associated works at Shimla Airport on Design and Build basis
1445 Restoration of Basic Strip of Runway, prevention of soil erosion, extension of Apron and associated works at Shimla Airport on Design and Build basis
1446 Restoration of Basic Strip of Runway, prevention of soil erosion, extension of Apron and associated works at Shimla Airport on Design and Build basis
1447 Restoration of Basic Strip of Runway, prevention of soil erosion, extension of Apron and associated works at Shimla Airport on Design and Build basis
1448 Construction of New ATC Tower and Technical Block at Varanasi Airport
TRN : 866013 |  Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 17.16 Crore | Agency Name : Airports Authority Of India
Tender award for construction of new atc tower and technical block at varanasi airport
1449 Repair and Maintenance Contract of civil works for non operational areas (i.e. Residential Colony/Car-parking/ ancillary buildings etc.) at LBSI Airport, Varanasi (2022-24)
1450 Repair and Maintenance Contract of civil works for non operational areas (i.e. Residential Colony/Car-parking/ ancillary buildings etc.) at LBSI Airport, Varanasi (2022-24)

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