7207Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level:1:2:4 (cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nomina
Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value :
5.78 Lacs |Agency Name :
Village Panchayat
7208Removing all type of Hume Pipes and Stacking within a lead of 1000 metres including Earthwork and Dismantling of Masonry Works - Up to 600 mm diaRemoving all type of Hume Pipes and Stacking within a lead of 1000 metres including Earthwork and Dismantling of Masonry Works - Up to 600 mm dia
Kollam - Kerala
Contract Value :
4.73 Crore |Agency Name :
Rural Development Department
7210Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specification including premixing the material with water at OMC in mechanical mixer (Pug Mill), carriage of mixed material
Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value :
12.57 Lacs |Agency Name :
Village Panchayat