7597Kurukshetra Estimate for providing 2 No. additional tube well in Vishwas Nagar and Kang Colony in Thanesar Town, Distt. Kurukshetra. Construction of 2 No. Pump Chamber of size 3.05m x 3.66m, boundary wall, laying of DI rising main and all other work
Kaithal - Haryana
Contract Value :
10.16 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Health Engineering Department
7598Pehowa Estimate for providing 1 No. tube well in place of failed tube well in Pehowa Town TW No.5 Near Rest House Court Complex. DNIT for construction of pump chamber of size 3.05 x 3.66m, laying of DI raising main and all other works contingent
Kaithal - Haryana
Contract Value :
5.28 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Health Engineering Department