8742Request of proposal for providing Consultancy Services for Preparation of Design, Drawing, Estimates, Detailed DPR and Tender Documents and supervision,for the different works requires for executing Interception and diversion and treatment of the sew
Shahapur - Karnataka
Contract Value :
5.00 Lacs |Agency Name :
Urban Administration And Development
8743A) Cons. Of Closed C.C. Drain at Village Dhamdari Tq. Ardhapur Dist. Nanded B) Cons. Of Closed C.C. Drain Malegaon Tq. Ardhapur Dist. Nanded C) Cons. Of Dust Been at Village Dhamdari TQ. Ardhapur Dist. Nanded
Nanded - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
10.70 Lacs |Agency Name :
Rural Development Department