8931 Earthfilling in various palace (Street, Open Lands) in w.no 5 Haily Mandi
TRN : 856609 |  Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 8.44 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for earthfilling in various palace (street, open lands) in w.no 5 haily mandi
8932 Earth filling in various places (Streets,open lands) in w.no. 10 Haily Mandi
TRN : 856608 |  Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 4.32 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for earth filling in various places (streets,open lands) in w.no. 10 haily mandi
8933 Const. of Toilet,Gate,Interlocking Tile and other civil work on Shamshan land at Khandewala road in w.no. 15
TRN : 856607 |  Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 9.14 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for const. of toilet,gate,interlocking tile and other civil work on shamshan land at khandewala road in w.no. 15
8934 Construction of Water Bound Macadam Road from Old Barloni Road to Samadhan Das Vasti (Mala) in Kurduwadi Tal-Madha, Dist-Solapur(Kurduwadi Municipal Work)
8935 Providing and Installing of Open Gym Equipment in Vayamshala in Housing Board Colony Ward No. 24, Municipal council , Ambala Sadar
8936 Supply and Maintenance of Electronic Ticketing Machines (ETMs) with Accessories for Gurugram Metropolitan City Bus Ltd
TRN : 856604 |  Fatehabad - Haryana
Contract Value : 91.53 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for supply and maintenance of electronic ticketing machines (etms) with accessories for gurugram metropolitan city bus ltd
8937 Repair and maintenance of park near H. No. 470 in Sector 12A, Ward No. 10, Panchkula. Recall
TRN : 856603 |  Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value : 6.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for repair and maintenance of park near h. no. 470 in sector 12a, ward no. 10, panchkula. recall
8938 Renovation of bathroom at market area in Sector 25, Ward no. 17, MC Panchkula. Recall
TRN : 856602 |  Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value : 1.21 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for renovation of bathroom at market area in sector 25, ward no. 17, mc panchkula. recall
8939 Lining of O/LRD 40130/41030-R of Talwandi Dy
TRN : 856464 |  Bathinda - Punjab
Contract Value : 2.93 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for lining of o/lrd 40130/41030-r of talwandi dy
8940 Lining of O/LRD 406665-L of Kotla Direct
TRN : 856463 |  Bathinda - Punjab
Contract Value : 81.4 Thousand | Agency Name : Punjab Water Resources Management And Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for lining of o/lrd 406665-l of kotla direct

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