9711Construction of approach Road to bridge on SH No.34 to Kokaner Chahade Khadkoli Lalthane Tandulwadi Penand to ODR-61 Road MDR No-29 Km 9/150, in Taluka Palghar, District Palghar.
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
53.60 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
9712S.H.81 Aghashi Vatar Nale Wagholi Nirmal Vasai Papdi Umela Naigaon Juchandra Bapane Road (S.H.83) Km 0-000 to 23-500 in Taluka Vasai District Palghar (Construction of Retianig wall at Km 9-500 to 10-000C.D.Works and Gutter
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
96.22 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department