You have searched for airports-authority-of-india in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

251 Deployment of DGR Security Guard for Security & Allied Services (at AAI, New Quarter Residential Colony on round the clock basis by deploying fourteen (14) unarmed security personnel and one (01) unarmed security personnel in Security Section, RHQ, ER from Monday to Friday) for a period of 02 years
252 Annual Maintenance and Operation Contract for Fire Fighting and Fire Pump equipments including Hydrant system at different locations of NSCBI Airport Kolkata
253 Operation and Maintenance of E and M and GLF installations installed in Technical Block, Terminal Building, Operational area and Nav-Aids locations at LGBI Airport, Guwahati
254 Operation and Maintenance of E and M Installations at 33,11,0.433KV Substations, Terminal Building, Car Park, Approach and Exit Roads, MT workshop, Cargo Terminals etc. at LGBI Airport, Guwahati for the year 2020-2022
255 Replacement of Transformers, DG Set, LT panels at Old Power House and CCR hall Power House at Chennai Airport. SH Replacement of DG sets at CCR hall Power House.
256 Community development programe related to water, sanitation and health care facility by M.P. Airport, Udaipur. (SH- Provision of RO water purifier including civil works)
257 Construction of 3 Hangars for C Category aircrafts connecting apron and Taxi link ( Naryanpur side) at NSCBI Airport, Kolkata. SH : Providing Computer Operator for Project Work & supply of Desktop Computer alongwith Printer.
258 Provision of Hand Sanitizer, Disinfectant, Signages, Thermal Screener, Q-manager, Mist Sprayer, Fogger, etc for COVID-19 at Guwahati Airport
259 Job Contract for Conservancy
TRN : 808177 |  Bangalore - Karnataka
Contract Value : 21.23 Lacs | Agency Name : Airports Authority Of India
Tender award for job contract for conservancy
260 Annual Comprehensive Maintenance and Operation of PA system installed in Seminar Hall and other meeting Rooms in A Block at RG Bhawan, CHQ, New Delhi for two years (2020-2022)

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