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541 Supply Installation Testing of ILBS System at Various Airports in India. SH Provision of Internal Electrification and Air Conditioning works for ILBS System at Tirupati Airport
542 Provision of Tyre Killers and Hydraulic Bollards at Various locations at NSCBI Airport
TRN : 707105 |  Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.53 Crore | Agency Name : Airports Authority Of India
Tender award for provision of tyre killers and hydraulic bollards at various locations at nscbi airport
543 Misc. Electrical works. SH- Procurement of various type of AC, Water Cooler, Water purifier i/c buy back of window, split AC at R.B. Airport, Bhopal.
544 Provision of Tyre Killers and Hydraulic Bollards at Various locations at NSCBI Airport
TRN : 707106 |  Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.53 Crore | Agency Name : Airports Authority Of India
Tender award for provision of tyre killers and hydraulic bollards at various locations at nscbi airport
545 Provision of Conference hall and office space at lower ground floor of NITB at Raja Bhoj Airport, Bhopal. SH SITC of Public Addressable System for Conference Hall
546 Shifting of ILS-09 (LLZ-09 and GP-09) and its associated electrical works in operational area of C.S.M.I.Airport, Mumbai.
TRN : 663311 |  Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 7.04 Lacs | Agency Name : Airports Authority Of India
Tender award for shifting of ils-09 (llz-09 and gp-09) and its associated electrical works in operational area of c.s.m.i.airport, mumbai.
547 Provision of Conference hall and office space at lower ground floor of NITB at Raja Bhoj Airport, Bhopal. SH SITC of Public Addressable System for Conference Hall
548 Replacement of SAPL Cable at Runway 07 and 25 at C.A. Bhavnagar
TRN : 663312 |  Bhavnagar - Gujarat
Contract Value : 13.75 Lacs | Agency Name : Airports Authority Of India
Tender award for replacement of sapl cable at runway 07 and 25 at c.a. bhavnagar
549 Misc. Electrical works. SH- Procurement of various type of AC, Water Cooler, Water purifier i/c buy back of window, split AC at R.B. Airport
550 Provision of Conference hall and office space at lower ground floor of NITB at Raja Bhoj Airport, SH SITC of Public Addressable System for Conference Hall

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