You have searched for banaras-hindu-university in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

131 Extension of cycle stand in Department of Computer Science, B.H.U
TRN : 670621 |  Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 7.58 Lacs | Agency Name : Banaras Hindu University
Tender award for extension of cycle stand in department of computer science, b.h.u
132 Providing and fixing aluminium partition and painting work in various rooms for sitting chamber in Geology Department, Institute of Science, B.H.U
133 Renovation of Director Office and construction of toilet for Director Office, Institute of Science, B.H.U
TRN : 666879 |  Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 9.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Banaras Hindu University
Tender award for renovation of director office and construction of toilet for director office, institute of science, b.h.u
134 Supply of Fluorescence associated cell sorter accessories
TRN : 666595 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 15.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Banaras Hindu University
Tender award for supply of fluorescence associated cell sorter accessories
135 Chain link fencing in University Club, BHU
TRN : 666882 |  Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 13.31 Lacs | Agency Name : Banaras Hindu University
Tender award for chain link fencing in university club, bhu
136 Repair of ceiling of slab (verandah) in Gurtu and S.R.K. Hostel, B.H.U
TRN : 666884 |  Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 8.39 Lacs | Agency Name : Banaras Hindu University
Tender award for repair of ceiling of slab (verandah) in gurtu and s.r.k. hostel, b.h.u
137 Outer repair and exterior painting in R-class, New G-class, Old G-class, Old M, New H, Old FC class, New FC, New M class and New F class Hyderabad Colony, B.H.U
138 Outer repair and exterior painting in Old L class, New L class, S class, Old F class, Hyderabad Colony, B.H.U
TRN : 666887 |  Hyderabad - Telangana
Contract Value : 24.79 Lacs | Agency Name : Banaras Hindu University
Tender award for outer repair and exterior painting in old l class, new l class, s class, old f class, hyderabad colony, b.h.u
139 Outer repair and exterior painting in AB class, Teachers flat, NNC House, Tyagraj Colony, Principal Colony and other quarter, Hyderabad, B.H.U
140 Finishing walls with acrylic smooth exterior paint of qtr no. G-1 to G-36, Aurobindo Colony, H-1 to H-16 Kabir G.S. 6 blocks 30 nos qtr of Kabir Colony up Chittupur Gate, BHU.

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