4906Electrical maintenance and repairing work on LT and associated HT overhead lines, service mains associated with colony power supply including drinking water supply under Bhimkanali Township of Block-II Area.
Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
1.52 Lacs |Agency Name :
Bharat Coking Coal Limited
4910A) Shifting of pump-motor set 2000 GPM and 1000 GPM along-with suction and delivery, B) Leakage repairing of 6 inch / 8 inch dia. M.S. pipe delivery range and C) Dismantling of 10 inch, 8 inch and 6 inch dia M.S. pipe and pontoon etc. at ABOCP
Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
1.51 Lacs |Agency Name :
Bharat Coking Coal Limited