7093Dismantling and Drawing of Conductor and Dismantling of Pipe Pole and Erection of Pipe Pole and Cradle Guard of 220 Volt Overhead Lighting line at 16 No. Khappra Dhawra at Jealgora under Jealgora Colliery.
Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
67.2 Thousand |Agency Name :
Bharat Coking Coal Limited
7094Dismantling and Drawing of Conductor and Dismantling of Pipe Pole and Erection of Pipe Pole and Stay Set and Erection of Cradle Guard of 440 Volt Overhead line at Dangal Dhowra Lighting Line Circuit under Bararee Colliery.
Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
93.5 Thousand |Agency Name :
Bharat Coking Coal Limited
7096Complete Repairing of 400 Amps. Mine Line Make ACB Switch 550 Volt Sl.No. 5085 at Jeenagora OCP Local Id No. JN-35 of Main Controlling East Bararee Submersible Pump Starter
Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
32.8 Thousand |Agency Name :
Bharat Coking Coal Limited
7097Dismantling and Drawing of Conductor and Dismantling of pipe pole and Erection of pipe Pole and Stay Set and Erection of Cradle Guard of 440 Volt Overhead Lighting Line at behind Bhulan Bararee Office under Bararee Colliery.
Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
45.3 Thousand |Agency Name :
Bharat Coking Coal Limited
7098Dismantling and Drawing of Conductor and Dismantling of pipe pole and Erection of pipe Pole and Stay Set and Erection of Cradle Guard of 550 Volts at Nala Pump Line Circuit under Bararee Colliery.
Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
54.1 Thousand |Agency Name :
Bharat Coking Coal Limited
7099Changing of Stud Insulator and Gasket of 250 KVA 550/440 Volt Lighting Transformer at Sheth Kothi lighting line circuit of Jeenagora Colliery Local Id. No. JN-08.
Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
18.1 Thousand |Agency Name :
Bharat Coking Coal Limited