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11 Conversion of existing two rooms into cafeteria in the vicinity of Museum and University press in the premises of Gandhi Bhawan at CCSHAU Hisar
12 Providing 8 feet high enclosure along with periphery of KVK Farm Dhani Bikaneri Fatehabad
TRN : 776360 |  Fatehabad - Haryana
Contract Value : 67.53 Lacs | Agency Name : Chaudhry Charan Singh University
Tender award for providing 8 feet high enclosure along with periphery of kvk farm dhani bikaneri fatehabad
13 Renovation modification in lecture room No. 4 in the premises of College of Home Science at CCS HAU Hisar including PH and EI works reinvited
14 Renovation modification of lab No. 38 consisting of 3 rooms situated at first floor for the Department of Foods and Nutrition in the premises of College of Home Science at CCSHAU Hisar including PH and EI works
15 Providing 6 feet high PVC coated GI interlocked fencing on part periphery of KVK Farm at Samargopalpur for KVK Rohtak
TRN : 773993 |  Rohtak - Haryana
Contract Value : 12.12 Lacs | Agency Name : Chaudhry Charan Singh University
Tender award for providing 6 feet high pvc coated gi interlocked fencing on part periphery of kvk farm at samargopalpur for kvk rohtak
16 Construction of boundary wall along with part periphery of farm area of Gangwa BlockII ccshau hisar
TRN : 773994 |  Hisar - Haryana
Contract Value : 5.54 Lacs | Agency Name : Chaudhry Charan Singh University
Tender award for construction of boundary wall along with part periphery of farm area of gangwa blockii ccshau hisar
17 Cathing notorious monkeys (about 400 monkey) from CCSHAU Campus, Hisar.
TRN : 773995 |  Hisar - Haryana
Contract Value : 2.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Chaudhry Charan Singh University
Tender award for cathing notorious monkeys (about 400 monkey) from ccshau campus, hisar.
18 Supply of Flat transparent clear float glass of AIS/Saint Gobain/Modi Guard (6'x4') for CCSHAU, Hisar.
TRN : 773996 |  Hisar - Haryana
Contract Value : 2.69 Lacs | Agency Name : Chaudhry Charan Singh University
Tender award for supply of flat transparent clear float glass of ais/saint gobain/modi guard (6'x4') for ccshau, hisar.
19 Providing IRC fabric in steel frame along with part periphery of campus school adjoining to the existing boundary wall of residential houses ccshau hisar
20 Supply of Paint and allied items for CCSHAU Hisar
TRN : 774019 |  Hisar - Haryana
Contract Value : 8.27 Lacs | Agency Name : Chaudhry Charan Singh University
Tender award for supply of paint and allied items for ccshau hisar

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