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51 Improvement to Bangriposi to Bhuasuni via Shymsundarpur and purusottampur Road (ODR) from 0/00 km. to 4/00 km. under state Plan in the District of Mayurbhanj for the year 2018-19.
52 Improvement such as widening and strengthening of road from Mirigini to Jaunri via Salabandha and Betsul from 0.000 km to 4.000 Km in the District of Balasore under State Plan for the year 2017-18.
53 Improvements to Balasore Bye pass Road (Both side drain from Nuniajodi to F.M College from 1/500 km. to 2/200 km) in the district of Balasore under state Plan for the year 2018-19.
54 Improvement of Road from Gothanasahi Chhak to Kahlia Himax Chhak covering word No.9 from 0/00 km. to 1/100 km. in the district of Balasore under State Plan for the year 2018-19.
55 Improvement to Chandaneswar Talsari road ODR such as widening and Strengthening from 1/00 km to 3/00km. in the District of Balasore under state Plan for the year 2018-19.
56 Improvement to road from Thana chhak on Dhamnagar Dobal Sendhapur road to Dhamnagar Kothar road via Jagat Kadam Rasul (ODR) from 0/00 km. to 2/00 km. in the Distrit of Bhadrak under State Plan Normal for 2018-19.
57 Construction of H.L.Bridge over Baharda nallah at 1/445km. on Basta Bye Pass road under state Plan for the year 2018-19.
TRN : 603762 |  Balasore - Orissa
Contract Value : 2.77 Crore | Agency Name : Civil Aviation Department
Tender award for construction of h.l.bridge over baharda nallah at 1/445km. on basta bye pass road under state plan for the year 2018-19.
58 Improvement to road from Diwanipatana Chhak to Bhujakhiapira baba Chhak via Kanakadurga temple and digrania chhak from 0/00 km. to 2/125km. in the district of Balasore Under State Plan Normal for the year 2018-19
59 Improvement to road from OT road to Hotel Suraj square, sahadevkhunta from 0/00 km. to 1/700 km. in the district of Balasore Under state plan Normal for the year 2018-19
60 hiring one brand new VIP version helicopter on wet lease for five years.
TRN : 711582 |  Ranchi - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 97.50 Lacs | Agency Name : Civil Aviation Department
Tender award for hiring one brand new vip version helicopter on wet lease for five years.

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