23Repair & maintenance of byepass road from speed breaker near weigh bridge to pump house turning road and pump house branch road at ash pond of DVC CTPS.
Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
15.18 Lacs |Agency Name :
Damodar Valley Corporation
24Area cleaning by hiring of one no of hydraulic excavator (JCB or equivalent) and one no of tractor with trolley alongwith related jobs for power house premises at CTPS.
Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
9.99 Lacs |Agency Name :
Damodar Valley Corporation
25Running contract for Engagement of 01 (one) no. Chain Mounted Hydraulic Excavator of 1.25 cum bucket capacity for handling of ash and cover up the raised ash dykes with earth / burnt coal mill rejects at ash ponds of DVC, CTPS.
Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
27.36 Lacs |Agency Name :
Damodar Valley Corporation