You have searched for delhi-university in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

91 Repair and Renovation of Boundary wall of Shyam lal College
TRN : 669294 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 82.5 Thousand | Agency Name : Delhi University
Tender award for repair and renovation of boundary wall of shyam lal college
92 Supply and installation of LED Flood Lights work in the Shyam Lal College
TRN : 669296 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 1.24 Lacs | Agency Name : Delhi University
Tender award for supply and installation of led flood lights work in the shyam lal college
93 procurement of Chemicals/Reagents Make M/s Promega
TRN : 669297 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 1.65 Lacs | Agency Name : Delhi University
Tender award for procurement of chemicals/reagents make m/s promega
94 Replacement of Spares for GRIMM Aerosol Spectrometers Make GRIMM Aerosol Technik
TRN : 669299 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 53.1 Thousand | Agency Name : Delhi University
Tender award for replacement of spares for grimm aerosol spectrometers make grimm aerosol technik
95 procurement of Consumables Make Diaclone
TRN : 669300 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 59.5 Thousand | Agency Name : Delhi University
Tender award for procurement of consumables make diaclone
96 Repair of ULT Freezer Premium U410 Make Eppendorf AG, Germany
TRN : 669301 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 67.9 Thousand | Agency Name : Delhi University
Tender award for repair of ult freezer premium u410 make eppendorf ag, germany
97 procurement of Chemicals Make Sigma Aldrich
TRN : 663715 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 3.02 Lacs | Agency Name : Delhi University
Tender award for procurement of chemicals make sigma aldrich
98 Metagenome Sequencing of environmental DNA samples using Illumina HiSeq 2500/4000 or higher technology
TRN : 750650 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 71.0 Thousand | Agency Name : Delhi University
Tender award for metagenome sequencing of environmental dna samples using illumina hiseq 2500/4000 or higher technology
99 Consumables/Reagents for Auto Analyzer DIRUI CST240 Machine
TRN : 684658 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 20.79 Lacs | Agency Name : Delhi University
Tender award for consumables/reagents for auto analyzer dirui cst240 machine
100 Replacement of Spares for Servo Ventilators
TRN : 684659 |  New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value : 3.42 Lacs | Agency Name : Delhi University
Tender award for replacement of spares for servo ventilators

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