1122Estimate for Internal clearance of Bhambhewa Drain from RD 58220 to 132890 removal of slush from RD 78600 to 80650, 105500 to 116550 and 127800 to 129000 (Tail)
Jhajjar - Haryana
Contract Value :
5.13 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation
1126Estimate for removal of Jalkhumbi from RD 0 to 11400 and removal of slush from RD 11400 to 27200 and pucca portion from RD 27200 to 29400 of Safidon Drain.
Jind - Haryana
Contract Value :
3.18 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation
1128Estimate for removal of Jalkhumbi from RD 0 to 14200 and removal of slush from RD 14200 to 26500 and pucca portion from RD 26500 to 35870 of Safidon Ditch Drain.
Jind - Haryana
Contract Value :
2.91 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation