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1471M/R to Kuchlibari embankment in between Ch.1.55 km and Ch. 5.60 km (length 4.05 km) near Hemont B.S.F. Camp turning and adjacent along the L/B of River Teesta in P.S. Kutchlibari, Block-Mekhliganj, Dist. Coochbehar
Coochbehar - West Bengal
Contract Value :
17.72 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation
1472Maintenance and Repair to Baksidanga embankment from ch. 0.0 km to 3.4 km (length 3.4 km) including Spur No- 2, 4, 11 (length-1.378 km) of Dharaikuri embankment on the R/B of River Jaldhaka in PS- Maynaguri, Dist. Jalpaiguri.
Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value :
23.66 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation
1480Maintenance and repair to Segregating embankment from ch. 0.00 km to 6.875 km and spurs 23 nos. (3.47 km) on the R/B of River Teesta in P.S- Kotwali & Block- Sadar, Dist.-Jalpaiguri.
Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value :
30.12 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation