1535Construction of Revetment between km. 4.500 to 5.000 and stud at km. 4.615 And 5.000 of Lolpur Vikramjot bund on left bank of river Ghaghara in Tehsil Harriya, District-Basti. Lot No.04
Basti - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value :
4.40 Crore |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation
1539Emergency Protecion work using Geo Bags at Bazar Velankanni Cheriyakadavu Maruvakkadu Chalakkadavu Malaghappady North of Puthenthodu Fishing Gap North of Deepthi Anganawadi South of St Reethalayam Kannamaly near St Antonys Chappel in ChellanamIsland
Ernakulam - Kerala
Contract Value :
87.31 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation