1823Construction of 41 Nos. stud etc. flood protection work of Village-Kashipur, Badhain ka purwa, khamariya etc. on Right bank of river Sharda in Tehsil-Biswan in Distt- Sitapur (Lot no.-01)
Sitapur - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value :
5.81 Crore |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation
1824Flood Protection Work at cluster of Villages Jagat Baradunwa Barah Manjhaliya etc. situated on Right Bank of River Deoha in District Pilibhit.(Lot-8)
Pilibhit - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value :
2.59 Crore |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation
1825Round the clock guarding the office premises, residential premises, stores and all properties of Teesta Barrage Project within the entire campus of Advance colony at Gazoldoba and Inspection Bunglow at Teesta barrage Site in P.S-Mal and NJP, Dist-Jalpaiguri.
Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value :
21.21 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation
1826Miscellaneous works such as construction of wall at Head NNL Disty./Ateli Disty., repair of regulation Hut and repair of parapet wall of DR Bridge at Km 0.190 NNL Disty. etc.
Narnaul - Haryana
Contract Value :
1.14 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation