You have searched for department-of-irrigation in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

4241 Supply Installation Testing and commissioning of GRP pole and Led Lights for Lightening of Bajirout Setu over river Brahmani in the District of Dhenkanal for the year 2018-2019
4242 Construction of protection wall within RD 450 mtr to RD 730 mtr of Launsara Minor and within RD 800 mtr to RD 1200 mtr of WCL at RD 33960 ft. of Behera Distributary under Lump Critical for the year 2019-20
4243 Supply Installation Testing and Commissioning of GRP Pole and LED lights for Leghtening of Sarangadhar setu over River Brahmani in trhe District of Dhenkanal for the year 2018-2019
4244 Construction of protection wall within RD 1200 mtr to RD 1720 mtr of Kumbhari Minor under Lump Critical for the year 2019-20
4245 Construction of Godown inside KVK campus Dhenkanal for the year 2018-2019
TRN : 653152 |  Dhenkanal - Orissa
Contract Value : 13.35 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for construction of godown inside kvk campus dhenkanal for the year 2018-2019
4246 Construction of protection wall within RD 3250 mtr to RD 3450 mtr of Behera Distributary under Lump Critical for the year 2019-20
4247 Improvement to GOVERNMENT PRESS at Khapuria, Cuttack (Such as, Installation of Pump for fire-fighting system for PP UNIT).
4248 Improvement to GOVERNMENT PRESS at Khapuria, Cuttack (Such as, Installation of external Hydrant and pump house system for PP UNIT).
4249 Improvement to GOVERNMENT PRESS at Khapuria, Cuttack (Such as, Installation of Pump for fire-fighting system for PP UNIT)
4250 Improvement TO GOVERNMENT PRESS at Khapuria, Cuttack Such as, Installation of Automatic sprinkler system for PP UNIT ground floor

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