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4931M/R to Sundarban embankment by armouring with 12.50 cm thick dry brick pitching for a length of 125 m at Atapur Hatkhola in the right bank of river Barakolagachi at Mouza Tushkhali in Block-Sandeskhali-II of Kalinagar Irrigation Sub-Division under Basirhat Irrigation Division.
Basirhat - West Bengal
Contract Value :
8.18 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation
4933Special repair of Vertical Turbine/Inclined/Centrifugal pumps(Mechanical & electrical) including supply of necessary spares of 10 (Ten) Nos. pumping station out of which 1(One) No.pumping station at Kabardanga within KMC area, Dist. South 24-Parganas, 1(One) No. pumping station at Monikhali within Maheshtala Municipality area, PS Rabindranagar, Dist- South 24 PGS, 1(One) No. pumping station at Kalagachia, Dist- South 24 PGS and 7(Seven) Nos.Pumping Station at Haroa(Bagjola) near Kulti –Gong, Khardah Outfall, Khardah B.T.Road, Fatesha Khal, Bangaon Sluice -2, 3 & 4 in Dist- North 24 PGS(PART-C1/MECHANICAL/MONIKHALI P.S.)
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
20.69 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation
4940Special Repair Of Vertical Turbine, Inclined, Centrifugal Pumps Mechanical Electrical Including Supply Of Necessary Spares Of 10 Ten Nos. Pumping Station Out Of Which 1One No. Pumping Station At Kabardanga Part-A2 Mechanical Babagjola P.S.
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
21.20 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation