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5051 JJPR-17/ 2018-19 Protection to scoured bank on OAE No.12 (abcd) B on Baitarani left near village Dasandhikul and Athagharia.
TRN : 621588 |  Jajpur Town - Orissa
Contract Value : 22.60 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for jjpr-17/ 2018-19 protection to scoured bank on oae no.12 (abcd) b on baitarani left near village dasandhikul and athagharia.
5052 JJPR-01/ 2018-19 Protection to scoured bank of Korkora-Raghunathpur TRE on Baitarani left near Korkora Shiva temple.
TRN : 621589 |  Jajpur Town - Orissa
Contract Value : 18.41 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for jjpr-01/ 2018-19 protection to scoured bank of korkora-raghunathpur tre on baitarani left near korkora shiva temple.
5053 Deployment of security personnel at Head Regulator of Telengiri Main Canal and its surroundings under Telengiri Canal Division, Bariniput for the year 2018-19
TRN : 621592 |  Kolhapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 54.59 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for repairs and renovation of p. t. at kadgaon, tal. gadhinglaj, dist. kolhapur
5055 JJPR-09/ 18-19 Flood protection embankment of Sadakpur TRE on Tantighai right near Paancha Gochhia.
TRN : 620256 |  Jajpur Town - Orissa
Contract Value : 26.28 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for jjpr-09/ 18-19 flood protection embankment of sadakpur tre on tantighai right near paancha gochhia.
5056 PSM- providing CC lining to Amballur branch canal in between ch.12/600 Km and 13/100 Km
TRN : 620541 |  Thrissur - Kerala
Contract Value : 12.65 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for psm- providing cc lining to amballur branch canal in between ch.12/600 km and 13/100 km
5057 JJPR-08/ 18-19 Protection to scoured bank of OAE No.4 (B) on Budha left near Kuberaswar Mahadev.
TRN : 620257 |  Jajpur Town - Orissa
Contract Value : 14.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for jjpr-08/ 18-19 protection to scoured bank of oae no.4 (b) on budha left near kuberaswar mahadev.
5058 PSM- providing CC lining to Amballur branch canal in between ch.12/600 Km and 13/100 Km
TRN : 620542 |  Thrissur - Kerala
Contract Value : 12.65 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for psm- providing cc lining to amballur branch canal in between ch.12/600 km and 13/100 km
5059 JJPR-07/ 18-19 Improvement to Left Flood Bank of Jari Guide Bundha near Bangara Biswal Sahi.
TRN : 620258 |  Jajpur Town - Orissa
Contract Value : 15.16 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for jjpr-07/ 18-19 improvement to left flood bank of jari guide bundha near bangara biswal sahi.
5060 JJPR-06/ 18-19 Protection to scoured Bank on OAE No.4 (B) on Budha Left near Chainpur.
TRN : 620259 |  Jajpur Town - Orissa
Contract Value : 18.76 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for jjpr-06/ 18-19 protection to scoured bank on oae no.4 (b) on budha left near chainpur.

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