You have searched for department-of-irrigation in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

5211 Construction of C.C. guard wall with bed lining from RD. 15m to 1000m of Water Course No.09 of Dumerbahal Irrigation Project for the year 2019-20
5212 Construction of C.C. guard wall with bed lining from RD. 420m to 670m of Shakti disty of LMC of Jharbandh Irrigation Project for the year 2019-20
5213 Construction of C.C. guard wall with bed lining in between RD.738m to 860m and RD.1743m to 1905m near Gothaguda of RMC of Jharbandh Irrigation Project for the year 2019-20
5214 Special Repairs to Wooden Bridge at Kalitola over Kulpi Branch Khal in Mouza - Kalitrola & Minor Repairs to Wooden Bridge at Padmapukur over Tengra Khal in Mouza - Padmapukur, Block - Kulpi, Dist South 24 Pgs under Diamond Harbour (I) Sub - Division of Canals Division.
5215 Peechi scheme-Flood related urgent works-rectification works of LBMC ch.3/000 km to 3/600 km
TRN : 612266 |  Thrissur - Kerala
Contract Value : 7.30 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for peechi scheme-flood related urgent works-rectification works of lbmc ch.3/000 km to 3/600 km
5216 Peechi scheme maintenance 2018-19-Improvement works to RBMC in between ch.9/900 km and 10/100 km
TRN : 612268 |  Thrissur - Kerala
Contract Value : 8.76 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for peechi scheme maintenance 2018-19-improvement works to rbmc in between ch.9/900 km and 10/100 km
5217 Repair Work of Fattewadgaon PT, Fattewadgaon VT to PT , Dhobalsangvi VT 2 and Kharadgavhan VT 4 Tq. Ashti
TRN : 610165 |  Beed - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 14.86 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for repair work of fattewadgaon pt, fattewadgaon vt to pt , dhobalsangvi vt 2 and kharadgavhan vt 4 tq. ashti
5218 Supply of 50HP and 10HP motor pump set for Recharging of Amachal Kulam (Paithala Ela) and Pumping from Amachal Kulam in Kattakkada Constituency
5219 Construction of BALEWADI CNB No. 1, 2 , FATTEWADGAIN CNB No. 8, 9 Tq. Ashti
TRN : 610167 |  Beed - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 24.97 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for construction of balewadi cnb no. 1, 2 , fattewadgain cnb no. 8, 9 tq. ashti
5220 NID-135-Improvement to Bamanal Minor from RD 6.70 Km to 7.00 Km for 2019-20
TRN : 612208 |  Nimapara - Orissa
Contract Value : 8.92 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for nid-135-improvement to bamanal minor from rd 6.70 km to 7.00 km for 2019-20

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