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5701 Clearing & removing of waterhyacinth & semi solid from 0.00 Km to 1.70 Km of Bhangorekata Khal for the period from 27/05/2019 to 31/12/2019 under Kulti Section of Calcutta Canals Sub Division under Canals Division
TRN : 599953 |  Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value : 99.9 Thousand | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for procurement of executive wooden dining table with melamine polish for dining hall
5703 Clearing and Removing Water hyacinth, Semi-Solid and jungle cutting from 13.30 Km to 16.00 Km of Kestopur Canal for the period from 24.04.19 to 31.12.2019 under Canals Section of Calcutta Canals Sub-Division of Canals Division
5704 Construction of 8 Kolhapuri Type weirs at Badnapur Taluka Dist Jalna (Talni Lodewadi K. T. Weir No.1,2, Dhasala(Malewadi) K. T. Weir No.2,3 Dabhadi K. T. Weir No.4, Kandari (Pardeshiwadi )bridge cum K. T. Weir, Bhakarwadi K. T. Weir No.8 and khamgaon
5705 Clearing and Removing Water hyacinth, Semi-Solid and jungle cutting from 9.30 Km to 13.00 Km of Kestopur Canal for the period from 24.04.19 to 31.12.2019 under Canals Section of Calcutta Canals Sub-Division of Canals Division
5706 Construction and Nalla Deepening of Chinchkheda C.N.B.No.1, 2, Mhasrul C.N.B.No.4, 5, Bhorkheda C.N.B.No.1, 2, Harpala C.N.B.No.1, Repala C.N.B.No.1, Adha C.N.B.No.1, 2 Tq. Jafrabad Dist. Jalna
5707 Clearing & removing of water hyacinth & Semi Solid from 0.00 Km to 6.00 Km of Chowreswar Khal for the period from 10/04/2019 to 31/12/2019 under Kulti Section of Calcutta Canals Sub Division under Canals Division
5708 Construction of Cement Nalla Bandhara at Sadagad 1 and 2 Kawathi Taluka SaoliiDistrict. Chandrapur
TRN : 596044 |  Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 44.81 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for construction of cement nalla bandhara at sadagad 1 and 2 kawathi taluka saoliidistrict. chandrapur
5709 Earth work in excavation of spoiled soil and disposal the same from the left bank of Kestopur Canal ,Behind of Sarat Abasan for a length of 450.0 m. under Calcutta Canals Sub - Division of Canals Division
5710 Construction of Cement Nalla Bandhara at Pachgaon 1 2 3 Taluka Warora District. Chandrapur
TRN : 596047 |  Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 46.59 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for construction of cement nalla bandhara at pachgaon 1 2 3 taluka warora district. chandrapur

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