You have searched for department-of-irrigation in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

6161 Construction of CD at RD 14190 m. and 14670 m. of Sonepur Distributary of Ong irrigation (Extension) Project.
TRN : 646633 |  Balangir - Orissa
Contract Value : 42.10 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for construction of cd at rd 14190 m. and 14670 m. of sonepur distributary of ong irrigation (extension) project.
6162 Improvement to Bishalpali Minor within RD 250 m to 381 m and RD 609 m to 1220 m under Lump Critical for the year 2019-20.
6163 Repair and restoration with C.C.Guard wall of Birakeshapur minor from RD 1050m to 1250m of SIP for the year 2019-20.
6164 Improvement within RD 17465 m to 18010 m and Repair of Fall at RD 17983 m of Bhimtikira Distributary under Lump Critical for the year 2019-20
6165 Construction of Flood Protection Embankment near village Kapasira Left of River Ong from RD 000 m to RD 300 m.
TRN : 646637 |  Balangir - Orissa
Contract Value : 44.19 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for construction of flood protection embankment near village kapasira left of river ong from rd 000 m to rd 300 m.
6166 Improvement to Mahulpali Minor within RD 2400 m to 3429 m and repairing the H/R of WCR 2514m, WCR 2667 m, WCR 3429 m and WCL 3505 m of Mahulpali Minor under Lump Critical for the year 2019-20.
6167 Restoration to Kathilogotha left embankment near Kathilogotha Colony.
TRN : 682857 |  Khurda - Orissa
Contract Value : 16.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for restoration to kathilogotha left embankment near kathilogotha colony.
6168 Repair of Fall at RD 8686 m and 8930 including improvement of Canal within RD 8534 m to 9296 m of Tulandi Minor under Lump Critical for the year 2019-20.
6169 Construction of Flood Protection Embankment near village Keuntipali Left of River Mahanadi from RD 000 m to RD 400 m.
TRN : 646641 |  Balangir - Orissa
Contract Value : 44.19 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for construction of flood protection embankment near village keuntipali left of river mahanadi from rd 000 m to rd 400 m.
6170 Repair of Well Type Fall at RD 4620 m and Improvement of Canal within RD 4625 m to 5334 m of Tulandi Minor under Lump Critical for the year 2019-20.

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