You have searched for department-of-irrigation in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

6281 Renovation to Main Canal embankment Road of Barghat MIP in Tileibani block of Deogarh Dist
TRN : 581009 |  Sambalpur - Orissa
Contract Value : 12.25 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for renovation to main canal embankment road of barghat mip in tileibani block of deogarh dist
6282 Improvement to Sanamachapur Minor 2019-20
TRN : 609559 |  Nimapara - Orissa
Contract Value : 6.35 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for improvement to sanamachapur minor 2019-20
6283 EEMDS 03/C/18-19 Fabrication, erection, testing and commissioning of two Nos. sluice gate (Size-1400mm x 1500mm) of NaliaNallah sluice under Chandbali Irrigation Sub-Division, Chandbali.
6284 Improvement to Irrigation IB at Balipatna. 2019-20
TRN : 609562 |  Nimapara - Orissa
Contract Value : 6.10 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for improvement to irrigation ib at balipatna. 2019-20
6285 Imp to Badkudarkata MIP in Barkote Block of Deogarh District
TRN : 581010 |  Sambalpur - Orissa
Contract Value : 17.17 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for imp to badkudarkata mip in barkote block of deogarh district
6286 Improvement to left Bank of Kakatpur Distributary from RD 12.00 KM to 15.00 Km 2019-20
TRN : 609563 |  Nimapara - Orissa
Contract Value : 16.13 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for improvement to left bank of kakatpur distributary from rd 12.00 km to 15.00 km 2019-20
6287 EEMDS 03/B/18-19 Fabrication, erection, testing and commissioning of two Nos. sluice gate (Size-1400mm x 1500mm) of BabukholaNallah sluice under Chandbali Irrigation Sub-Division, Chandbali
6288 Improvement to Patapur Minor from RD 1.50 Km to 5.50 Km 2019-20
TRN : 609564 |  Nimapara - Orissa
Contract Value : 17.84 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for improvement to patapur minor from rd 1.50 km to 5.50 km 2019-20
6289 Imp Pararajakata MIP in Reamal Block
TRN : 581011 |  Sambalpur - Orissa
Contract Value : 20.88 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for imp pararajakata mip in reamal block
6290 Improvement to khandasahi Distributary from RD 0.00 Km to 0.500 Km 2019-20
TRN : 609565 |  Nimapara - Orissa
Contract Value : 8.50 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for improvement to khandasahi distributary from rd 0.00 km to 0.500 km 2019-20

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