You have searched for department-of-irrigation in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

6381 Flood protection work on Right bank of Pillasalki river near Dadhibamana Mandir.
TRN : 608394 |  Bhawanipatna - Orissa
Contract Value : 8.09 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for flood protection work on right bank of pillasalki river near dadhibamana mandir.
6382 Approach road for a length of 0.47 Km from right bank of Mundeswari river at Muzaffarpur to Madhupur Bus Stop at Mouza Ashanpur, Muzaffarpur within Block & P.S Arambagh
6383 Flood protection work on Right bank of Pillasalki river Near Polytechnic college.
TRN : 608395 |  Bhawanipatna - Orissa
Contract Value : 21.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for flood protection work on right bank of pillasalki river near polytechnic college.
6384 Maintenance Repair to damaged Head Regulator cum bridge at Roybati at Ch.9.00 of canal G-1 under Memari Irrigation Sub -Division within Lower Damodar Irrigation Division.
6385 Flood protection work on left bank of Pillasalki river Near Narayani temple
TRN : 608396 |  Bhawanipatna - Orissa
Contract Value : 16.87 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for flood protection work on left bank of pillasalki river near narayani temple
6386 Slope protection work to Bodajore nalla near village Budhibalanda under Gundulia G.P
TRN : 608397 |  Bhawanipatna - Orissa
Contract Value : 38.56 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for slope protection work to bodajore nalla near village budhibalanda under gundulia g.p
6387 Construction of RCC Retaining Wall With Cement Concrete Lining in between RD 32150 m to RD 35020 m, CR at RD 33010 m and Toe Wall including strengthening and raising of canal banks between RD 33400 m to RD 35020 m of GBC of RBC of RIP.
6388 Construction of RCC Retaining Wall With Cement Concrete Lining in between RD 35020 m to RD 36700m and Retaining Wall of Distributaries and minors between RD 27500 m to RD 35020 m of GBC of RBC of RIP.
6389 Excavation of Narasinghpur Branch Canal from RD15.00km to 16.425km including construction of its structures and service road and CC lining from RD14.00km to 16.425km. of RBC of RIP
6390 Raising and strengthening with slope protection work by providing launching apron and packing of Jharling Belanga saline embankment from RD 00 to 29.10 Km (working RD 11.50 to 15.00 Km) under NABARD Assistance RIDF-XXIV

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