7189Improvement to road safety features of the Road from Pokhariput Level crossing to Khandagiri Square via Gandamunda Khandagiri to Master Plan Road 100ft. Wide Master Plan Road, Road from Siripur square to Fire Station square Bhubaneswar for the year
Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value :
30.50 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation
7190Renovation of Sali Diversion Irrigation Scheme including LBMC from ch. 0.00 to ch. 210.00 and RBMC from ch. 0.00 to ch. 185.00 and repair of downstream floor of Barrage in Block & P.S. Barjora, District Bankura.
Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value :
11.61 Crore |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation