You have searched for department-of-municipal-administration in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1001 Construction of C.C.Road, U.G.Drain One Side and Pathwayfrom Maroti Cycle Store to Madavi Bambu Depot in Pandit Dindayal Ward,Ballarpur Under Vaishishtpurn Vishesh Nidhi
TRN : 757181 |  Amravati - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 21.61 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for proposed civil works of fstp under swachha maharashtra mission for anjangaon surji municipal council, dist - amravati
1003 Proposed estimate of 150mm concrete gutter at Dr. colony infront of Otari ,thashildar, Desai ghar new sutar Hospital in Gadhinglaj Muncipal Council Gadhinglaj.
1004 Proposed estimate of concrete gutter at Dr.colony Blood bank near in Gadhinglaj Muncipal council Gadhinglaj.
TRN : 754899 |  Gadhinlaj - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 23.27 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for proposed estimate of concrete gutter at dr.colony blood bank near in gadhinglaj muncipal council gadhinglaj.
1005 Proposed estimate of 150mm concrete gutter of Road from infront of old Laxmi society and Torgalli Galli in Gadhinglaj Muncipal Council Gadhinglaj.
TRN : 754900 |  Gadhinlaj - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 17.63 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for proposed estimate of 150mm concrete gutter of road from infront of old laxmi society and torgalli galli in gadhinglaj muncipal council gadhinglaj.
1006 Proposed estimate of 150mm concrete gutter Dhangar galli in Gadhinglaj Muncipal Council Gadhinglaj Muncipal council Gadhinglaj.
TRN : 754901 |  Gadhinlaj - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 9.70 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for proposed estimate of 150mm concrete gutter dhangar galli in gadhinglaj muncipal council gadhinglaj muncipal council gadhinglaj.
1007 Proposed estimate of shed work for Kittchen at Kalu master vidyalaya School in Gadhinglaj Muncipal council Gadhinglaj.
TRN : 754902 |  Gadhinlaj - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.77 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for proposed estimate of shed work for kittchen at kalu master vidyalaya school in gadhinglaj muncipal council gadhinglaj.
1008 Proposed estimate of shed work for Kittchen at Barister nath pai vidyalaya School in Gadhinglaj Muncipal council Gadhinglaj.
TRN : 754903 |  Gadhinlaj - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.36 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for proposed estimate of shed work for kittchen at barister nath pai vidyalaya school in gadhinglaj muncipal council gadhinglaj.
1009 Proposed esimate of compost depo for Weigh bridge control room in Gadhinglaj Muncipal council Gadhinglaj.
TRN : 754904 |  Gadhinlaj - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.52 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for proposed esimate of compost depo for weigh bridge control room in gadhinglaj muncipal council gadhinglaj.
1010 Renovation of swimming pool at Gadhinglaj in Muncipal council Gadhinglaj.
TRN : 754905 |  Gadhinlaj - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 16.77 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for renovation of swimming pool at gadhinglaj in muncipal council gadhinglaj.

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