235For Ward no 6 to 10 , Providing driver, labour , fuel with maintenance for satara municipal council owned ghanta-gadi for Door to Door collection ,Segregation and Transportation of solid waste also providing tractor, trolley with labour to collect
Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
65.95 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Municipal Administration
237For Ward no 16 to 20 , Providing driver, labour , fuel with maintenance for satara municipal council owned ghanta-gadi for Door to Door collection ,Segregation and Transportation of solid waste also providing tractor, trolley with labour to collect
Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
64.70 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Municipal Administration
239For Ward no 11 to 15 , Providing driver, labour , fuel with maintenance for satara municipal council owned ghanta-gadi for Door to Door collection ,Segregation and Transportation of solid waste also providing tractor, trolley with labour to collect
Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
65.95 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Municipal Administration
240Proposed mattalling and Asphalting of Road side R.C.C. Gutter (Both side) for road from Chandani Chowk to Deshmukh Ali.Proposed mattalling and Asphalting of Road side R.C.C. Gutter (Both side) for road Form Chandani Chowk to vitthal mandir.
Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
39.60 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Municipal Administration