556Installeation of Kirtistambh has on Municipal Council Area this installeation of Kiritistamba his made upto Bansifudpur stone, size of this kirti stambh will be 80x80x80cm3 and hight 15ft required, This work should be done in RCC work disien which is given by M.C.Vaijapur, This work will be done in power way of coinging work.
Vaijapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
7.75 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Municipal Administration
560Inviting tender under vaishistpurn nidhi of repairs of existing simplified water treatement plant of capacity of 9.12 MLD (Civil and Mechanical Work) at Yawal Municipal Council , Yawal.
Yawal - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
65.28 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Municipal Administration