852Providing additional Transformer plinth, structure plinths, Cable duct and pipe line for bay extension portion and supplying, loading and transporting of Iron and steel materials, fabrication and erection of structures, erection of equipments, earthing, cable laying and termination for enhancement of existing power transformer capacity from 2x25 to 3x25 MVA at Hasthampatty 110/22 KV Sub station in Salem EDC
Salem - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
2.52 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Technical Eduction
855Providing 11 Nos. of Diesel driven Van/Jeep model vehicle or equivalent vehicle for the official use of the Executive Engineers/TLC/PML, CHN and 765KV, and the Asst. Exe. Engineers/TLC/CHN,TMNI,ABR,TVLR,MMN,SPR , TE-II/CHN & SSE/CHN of GCC-I Circle on hire basis for a period of one year from the date of utilization
Thanjavur - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
46.2 Thousand |Agency Name :
Department Of Technical Eduction