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61 Supply of different materials for 40 nos. rising tissue culture banana at different places in Gitaldaha-II GP within DinahtaI PS AAP No. 080509030845 to 080509030884
62 Supply of different materials for construction of CC road from form BijoySen house to Sunil Barman house at Daribash under Gitaldaha II GP within Dinhata I PS AAP No 080509021603
63 Supply of different materials for Rode side Plantation from H/O Upen Barman to H/O Dewan Barman within Matalhat GP within Dinhata I PS AAP No 08051205601
64 Supply of different materials for Rode side Plantation on Haoya Barman house to Sada Barman within Matalhat GP within Dinhata I PS AAP No 080512050203
65 Supply of different materials for Const. of CC road from Hased Ali to Samsul Hoque SMD X under Gitaidaha I GP within Dinhata I PS
66 Supply of different materials for Rode side Plantation Kantikhewa Bridge to Kalir Path at Gatamari within Matalhat G.P. within Dinatha-I P.S. AAP No. 080512050201.
67 Supply of different materials for Const of P Drain Fajrul to Jamsed Ali SMD X under Gitaidaha I GP within Dinhata I PS
TRN : 786282 |  Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value : 27.91 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for supply of different materials for const of p drain fajrul to jamsed ali smd x under gitaidaha i gp within dinhata i ps
68 Supply of different materials for Const. of CC road from Aminur Hoque to Aynul Hoque SMD X under Gitaidaha I GP within Dinhata I PS
69 Supply of different materials for Const. of CC road from Sayed Ali to Hafej Ali SMD X under Gitaidaha I GP within Dinhata I PS
70 Supply of different materials for Const. of CC road from RTo Yunuch Ali SMD X under Gitaidaha I GP within Dinhata I PS
TRN : 786285 |  Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value : 20.00 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for supply of different materials for const. of cc road from rto yunuch ali smd x under gitaidaha i gp within dinhata i ps

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