You have searched for district-panchayat in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

10271 Kalikavu BP 2018-19,Pro 20/19,Improvement works to Karuvarakundu Angadi - Highschoolpadi - Vakkodu road in Karuvarakundu GP
10272 Kalikavu BP 2018-19, Pookkottumpadam- Nadukkunnu road Retarring (Plastic) in Amarambalam GP
TRN : 521030 |  Malappuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 4.99 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for kalikavu bp 2018-19, pookkottumpadam- nadukkunnu road retarring (plastic) in amarambalam gp
10273 Kalikavu BP /19 Karuvarakundu CHC old Immunisation ward bathroom tiling Renovation
TRN : 521031 |  Malappuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 99.3 Thousand | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for kalikavu bp /19 karuvarakundu chc old immunisation ward bathroom tiling renovation
10274 Project no50/18 Shifting of Panchayath office to ground floor and allied works
TRN : 521032 |  Alappuzha - Kerala
Contract Value : 13.26 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for project no50/18 shifting of panchayath office to ground floor and allied works
10275 Project no45/18 Amayida LPS maintanance
TRN : 521033 |  Alappuzha - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.82 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for project no45/18 amayida lps maintanance
10276 Project no 44/18 Maintanance to Ambalapuzha lps
TRN : 521034 |  Alappuzha - Kerala
Contract Value : 2.55 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for project no 44/18 maintanance to ambalapuzha lps
10277 Pro. No.438 Dn.36 Mathrusisu Samrakshanakendram Poortheekaranam.
TRN : 521035 |  Thrissur - Kerala
Contract Value : 9.02 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for pro. no.438 dn.36 mathrusisu samrakshanakendram poortheekaranam.
10278 Project no 211/19 Ollur zonal Division 26 Reconstruction of Modern colony drain
TRN : 521036 |  Thrissur - Kerala
Contract Value : 4.91 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for project no 211/19 ollur zonal division 26 reconstruction of modern colony drain
10279 Pro.No 433/19 Dn.36 Repairing of drain and Construction of slab and Footpath at opposite to Thiruvambadi Temple, Pallath road, Machingal Lane and A.R Menon road
10280 Project No. 178/19 New road Tarring and concreting of bylanes in nelankara, mukkatukara, nettissery in div.10
TRN : 521038 |  Thrissur - Kerala
Contract Value : 19.69 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for project no. 178/19 new road tarring and concreting of bylanes in nelankara, mukkatukara, nettissery in div.10

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