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10731 2018/61795_Chembilode G.P 2018-19 Project No_73 arayakkandi kakkoth road tarring from ch_ 00/415-00/653
TRN : 518637 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 6.76 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for 2018/61795_chembilode g.p 2018-19 project no_73 arayakkandi kakkoth road tarring from ch_ 00/415-00/653
10732 Kozhikode Corporation 2018-19 Kakkattuvayal road,Chembotharavayal Kottiyadath road,Elavana road Re surfacing,ward 6 ,Sector 2.-Retender
10733 Kozhikode Corporation 2018-19 Parakkulam road,Kadappamannil,east Vellimadukunnu,Ammoth road ,sidewall reconstruction and reconcreting.EW 11,GSD3/18-19- Retender
10734 DB-576/18 Varenickal Ambatkar colony Full Developemnt in Thekekarq Gp
TRN : 518640 |  Alappuzha - Kerala
Contract Value : 4.33 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for db-576/18 varenickal ambatkar colony full developemnt in thekekarq gp
10735 Kozhikode Corporation 2018-19 Chevarambalam Tharammal road,Madhuravanam road,Palattuthazha Chulliyod road re surfacing,ward 13 sector 2,18-19-Retender
10736 Kozhikode Corporation 2018-19 Devagiri college LP school,Nenminimeethal road,Aamattu road Nearby roads side wall strengthening,footpath and drain renovation, EW 22,GS 3.-Retender
10737 Kozhikode Corporation 2018-19 Kakkattu parambath edavazhi drinage,cheroot kizhakku edavazhi tarring kuruvettini edavazhi concreting ,ward26,sector 2.-Retender
10738 Kozhikode Corporation 2018-19 EW-4, Sector-1 Thoyadi Attipper nilam, Purayil puliyakkadi thazham footpath, Homoeo hospital road, Nellulithazham footpath, Koyadnilam drain cum footpath, Chittedathkandi Assarikkavu road, Madachalil road - Retender
10739 Vengad GP 122/19 Agro Center Road Tarring Ch 0/000 to 0/212 Km
TRN : 518968 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 7.51 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for vengad gp 122/19 agro center road tarring ch 0/000 to 0/212 km
10740 Vengad GP 82/19 B E M P School Madappura Road Tarring From Ch 0/000 to 0/190 km
TRN : 518969 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.56 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for vengad gp 82/19 b e m p school madappura road tarring from ch 0/000 to 0/190 km

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