You have searched for district-panchayat in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

8541 Achakkada-Karinattupadi Road concreting in Karunapuram GP
TRN : 545725 |  Idukki - Kerala
Contract Value : 2.68 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for achakkada-karinattupadi road concreting in karunapuram gp
8542 Proj.No.46/18 Harithakerala mission Swap shop construction
TRN : 547466 |  Thiruvananthapuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.63 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for harithakerala mission swap shop construction
8543 DP-EKM 18-19 Kaithakam Leading Channel in Manjappra GP
TRN : 544934 |  Ernakulam - Kerala
Contract Value : 9.97 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for dp-ekm 18-19 kaithakam leading channel in manjappra gp
8544 Electrification of community hall in Chettivilakom ward
TRN : 548852 |  Thiruvananthapuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.67 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for electrification of community hall in chettivilakom ward
8545 13 th five year plan 2018-19 (96/2019 )Borewell construction in Kondazhi gram apanchayath
TRN : 544935 |  Thrissur - Kerala
Contract Value : 3.98 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for 13 th five year plan 2018-19 (96/2019 )borewell construction in kondazhi gram apanchayath
8546 Retender Vengad GP 200/19 Kuzhiyil peedika Nellyad Vayal Road Tarring from ch 0/150 to 0/370km
TRN : 548853 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 7.21 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for retender vengad gp 200/19 kuzhiyil peedika nellyad vayal road tarring from ch 0/150 to 0/370km
8547 Ponmala G P Annual Plan 2018-19 Public toilets to Village office and Post office
TRN : 544878 |  Malappuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 4.80 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for ponmala g p annual plan 2018-19 public toilets to village office and post office
8548 Retender Vengad GP 123/19 Construction Of footpath At Kaitheripoyil
TRN : 548854 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.76 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for retender vengad gp 123/19 construction of footpath at kaitheripoyil
8549 DP EKM 18-19 Maintenance of Khadi Unit Airapuram SC Colony
TRN : 544879 |  Ernakulam - Kerala
Contract Value : 8.67 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for dp ekm 18-19 maintenance of khadi unit airapuram sc colony
8550 Orakkuzhi athaniparambu road side protection
TRN : 581825 |  Malappuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 7.16 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for orakkuzhi athaniparambu road side protection

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