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9851Kannur DP 2018-19- Proj No 229/19- Improvements to Konkachi Mavilottupeedika Kozhuthu Vayal road bet ch.2/000 to 2/740km in Pattiam Grama Panchayath
Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value :
14.67 Lacs |Agency Name :
District Panchayat
9853Kannur DP - 18-19 Pro No.176/19 - Improvements, Drainage and Re Taring works to Kelakam Bus Stand Veliyamparapadi Road from 0/000 to 0/610 km in Kelakam Grama Panchayth, Peravoor Block Panchayath.
Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value :
14.86 Lacs |Agency Name :
District Panchayat
9855Kannur DP - 18-19 Pro No. 177/19 - Widening and Re tarring works to Nananipoyil Perunthanam Road from 0/000 to 0/900 km and 1/150 to 2/000 km in Kelakam Grama Panchayth, Peravoor Block Panchayath.
Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value :
21.78 Lacs |Agency Name :
District Panchayat