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1211 Installation/ set up of underground electrical power RVIIA seam upto panel no.1 of CM Project of Nakrakonda-Kumardihi-B Colliery under Bankola Area.
1212 Through repair and maintenance of D type quarter No-27 at Urjanagar colony due to change of occupancy.
TRN : 723138 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 4.26 Lacs | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for through repair and maintenance of d type quarter no-27 at urjanagar colony due to change of occupancy.
1213 Repairing of 415V 3 phase 4 wire overhead line from main substation to canteen Para (4wire 18 span and 3 wire 3 span and 13 span) of Bankola Colliery under Bankola Area.
1214 Repairing and maintenance of 08 units B-type quarter (Block no. 08 and 09) at 2 no. colony of Parascole colliery under Kajora area.
1215 Repairing and maintenance of 16 units NHS (D/S) block (Block no. 45) at Madhujore 5/6 pit colliery under Kajora area. (inside 09 units)
1216 Repairing and maintenance of 16 units NHS quarter (Block no. 53 D/S) at Madhujore colliery under Kajora area. (Inside 08 units).
1217 Up-gradation and some repairing and maintaince of C type block no 01 ( 04 units) at Parascole complex under Kajora Area
TRN : 723143 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 3.97 Lacs | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for up-gradation and some repairing and maintaince of c type block no 01 ( 04 units) at parascole complex under kajora area
1218 Repairing and maintenance of 10 units NHS (SS) block (Block no. 004) at Madhusudanpur colliery under Kajora area.(Total inside 06 units)
1219 Repairing and maintenance of 04 units B-type quarter (D/S) block no 002 at Madhujore colliery under Kajora Area
TRN : 723145 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 5.15 Lacs | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for repairing and maintenance of 04 units b-type quarter (d/s) block no 002 at madhujore colliery under kajora area
1220 Repairing and maintenance of 05 nos NHS block (Block no 34, 36,45,51 and 52) at 3 and 4 no. pit and 7 no. pit in Madhusudanpur colliery under Kajora area.(Total 32 units, inside 27 units)

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