2106Dismantling of one 65KW Direct Haulage at 5L of 7D and one 37KW Tugger Haulage at 36L of 18XD and transportation n installation of Direct Haulage at 36L of 18XD and Tugger Haulage at 61L of 14XD, underground, of 3 n 4 Incline under Jhanjra Area
Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
4.95 Lacs |Agency Name :
Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
2108Transportation of one 22KW Tugger Haulage and one 37KW Endless Haulage from surface of 1 n 2 Incline and installation of Tugger Haulage at 58WL of 17XD and Endless Haulage at 59WL of -6D in underground, of 3 n 4 Incline, under Jhanjra Area
Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
5.38 Lacs |Agency Name :
Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
2109Transportation and Installation of one 800mm width, 550M long Single Drive Vishwa make Belt Conveyor with 55KW, 550V electricals, from 9R of -35L to 510M inside from 8R of -35L at RVI Seam underground of MIC under Jhanjra Area
Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
8.55 Lacs |Agency Name :
Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
2110Transportation of 800M,1200mm, type-6 PVC belting from surface to -2L of 54D and changing of the damaged belting of the T3 Belt Conveyor including salvaging of the replaced belting to side pillar at RVI Seam underground of MIC, under Jhanjra Area
Chandrapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
2.41 Lacs |Agency Name :
Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.