3922General Repair and maintenance at different types of quarters at Area complex, Hospital complex, Hostel etc housing complex under Pandaveswar Area.
Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value :
5.87 Lacs |Agency Name :
Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
3923Construction of Boundary wall/Guard wall, Community shed with RCC roof, community room/Green room and Cultural stage at Govindpur village of Pandaveswar Area under CSR scheme of ECL.
Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value :
14.12 Lacs |Agency Name :
Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
3924Block repairing work including up-gradation work of NHS Block no 02 (inside 03 units only) and Block no 03 (inside 07 units) only at office colony under Nirsa Colliery.
Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
14.99 Lacs |Agency Name :
Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
3928Construction of 7(Seven) nos. Sectionalisation Stoppings at 27R to 33R in between 14L and 15L in Bogra (R-VI) Seam of Amritnagar Colliery under Kunustoria Area.
Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value :
14.83 Lacs |Agency Name :
Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
3930Supplying and laying of pipe line, 6 sq.mm armored cable at river bed for connecting two bore holes from main line, guard piling, supplying and fitting two nos. control panel at Madhaipur river ghat water supply pump project under Madhaipur Colliery.
Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value :
4.88 Lacs |Agency Name :
Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.