152Rework of sunshades over Lorry Chute 3 and 5, Repair to Shift Engineers rooms etc of Phase-II Bagging Plant, Repair of Floors of main store officers rooms, main lab work benches and other allied civil jobs of FACT(Cochin Division) at Ambalamedu
Udyogamandal - Kerala
Contract Value :
8.86 Lacs |Agency Name :
Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited
154Mech Job Associated with inspection and leak rectification of vessels in DM water treatment Plant and erection and lining up of spare MB unit in SAP during ATA-2019
New Delhi - Delhi
Contract Value :
1.69 Lacs |Agency Name :
Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited
159Mechanical jobs associated with Catalyst sieving, testing of boiler system and Replacement of Damaged Supports of Converter Internals in SA Plant, during ATA-2019.
Ishapore - West Bengal
Contract Value :
2.74 Lacs |Agency Name :
Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited