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821 Estimate for the cost of maintatance of Mattappally - Thattathikudy coupe road under Kanchiyar forest station in Ayyappancoil range during 2019-20.
822 Maintanance of 2.5 KM Solar fence (4 strands) around Kandathikudi area of Viripara in Mankulam section of Mankulam range during 2019-20.
823 Estimate for the cost of maintatance of coupe road (Panackachira-Paschima) under Vandanpathal forest station in Erumely range during 2019-20.
824 Repair and maintenance of Solar fencing
TRN : 759170 |  Idukki - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.08 Lacs | Agency Name : Forest Department
Tender award for repair and maintenance of solar fencing
825 Estimate for the cost of soil and moisture conservation works(Gully Plugging) at 2016 Teak Plantation Kalaketty-20.6Ha under Plachery forest station in Erumely Range during 2019-20.
826 Estimate for the cost of soil and moisture conservation works(Gully Plugging) at 2016 Teak Plantation Kalaketty-14Ha under Plachery forest station in Erumely Range during 2019-20.
827 Estimate for the cost of raising 10 nos Bamboo seed bed nursery at Begur under Mananthavady SF Range of Wayanad Social Forestry Division during 2019-20.
828 Maintenance of Medicinal and Aromatic Plan Garden at Chakardeo under Greening of Greater Guwahati City SOPD scheme during 2019-20
829 Construction of 75 permanent Cairns around vested forestarea at Pathekkar in Thenmala Section of Thenmala Range
TRN : 747062 |  Pathaanamthitta - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.78 Lacs | Agency Name : Forest Department
Tender award for construction of 75 permanent cairns around vested forestarea at pathekkar in thenmala section of thenmala range
830 Construction of Standoff Barrier(398m) at mouza KJ/395, Dhabani Beat of Jhargram Range under Junglemahal Zoological Park, Jhargram of Jhargram Division in the District of Jhargram

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