You have searched for government-of-haryana in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.
431Hajwana- Estimate for strengtheing of distribution system and Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) to household to Village Hajwana Tehsil and Distt. Under Jal Jeevan Mission
Kaithal - Haryana
Contract Value :
12.74 Lacs |Agency Name :
Government Of Haryana
435Construction of Brick Masonary Side Drain on NH-71A to Khanpur University road at Village Gamri from RD 5750 to 6264 Mtr. along the PWD road in Distt.
Sonipat - Haryana
Contract Value :
25 |Agency Name :
Government Of Haryana
437Improvement by Providing widening strengthening on various Roads in Provincial Division No.1, Sonepat (Mahlana Farmana road to Tihar Khurd and Road ID 6226, 6228, 6238, 6244, 6267, 9663) in Sonepat Distt. (Re-invited)
Sonipat - Haryana
Contract Value :
426 |Agency Name :
Government Of Haryana