854Improvement in water supply scheme Ladrawan by providing 1 No. Boosting station, strengthening of distribution system by laying of balance 4 and 6inch i.d D.I. pipelines and by laying of parallel D.I. pipelines against fully damaged
Bahadurgarh - Haryana
Contract Value :
8.13 Lacs |Agency Name :
Government Of Haryana
855Providing and Fixing barrier for 2 lane ROB in lieu of level crossing no.19-C on Subana Kosli nahar kanina road near Kosli Railways Station on Bhatuinda Railway line km 28.5 in Rewari Distt.(Re-Invited)
Rewari - Haryana
Contract Value :
4.42 Lacs |Agency Name :
Government Of Haryana
859Providing and Fixing of RCC Slab Covers of size (2 6x1 6) on uncovered nallah from Shiv Mandir to Meerut Road and Covering of drains in Moti Nagar, in ward no.08, Municipal Corporation, Karnal.
Karnal - Haryana
Contract Value :
1 |Agency Name :
Government Of Haryana