You have searched for harbour-engineering-department in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

181 Manjeswaram Fishing harbour project Construction of Gate and Gate house on South side
TRN : 577770 |  Kasargode - Kerala
Contract Value : 22.07 Lacs | Agency Name : Harbour Engineering Department
Tender award for manjeswaram fishing harbour project construction of gate and gate house on south side
182 Upgradation of coastal roads in Alappuzha District Road from Vezhapra St.Johns church kurisadi to east anchumanackal asaruparambu padasekharam in ward no 11 of Ramankari Panchayath
183 Upgradation of Coastal Roads in Kozhikode district-Construction of Footpath cum drain at Naduchal thode inward No. 15 of Azhiyoor Panchayat in Vatakara LAC
184 Upgradation Coastal roads in Kollam District Improvements of Eechadi mukku Thekkekkara Charuvila Coastal road in ward no XI of Elamballoor Panchayat in Kundara LAC
185 Upgradation of lighting system in Auction hall and Nomans Land at Vizhinjam Fishery Harbour in
TRN : 532638 |  Thiruvananthapuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 6.75 Lacs | Agency Name : Harbour Engineering Department
Tender award for upgradation of lighting system in auction hall and nomans land at vizhinjam fishery harbour in

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