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41 Supply of Liquid Chlorine For DCRTPP Yamuna Nagar PTPS Panipat and RGTPP Hisar AS PER NIT
TRN : 746997 |  Yamuna Nagar - Haryana
Contract Value : 20.73 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana Power Generation Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of liquid chlorine for dcrtpp yamuna nagar ptps panipat and rgtpp hisar as per nit
42 Work Order for HEALTH CARE ACTIVITIES - Activity-1 "To Set-Up, Run & Maintain First Aid Centre, PTPS Panipat along-with Ambulance service round the clock (24x7)" and Activity-2 " To run Health Care Activities at Health Centre PTPS Panipat & City Dispensary Panipat).
43 Running and Maintenance of Health Centre at RGTPP Colony and First Aid Centre at RGTPP Along With Ambulance Services Round The Clock
TRN : 744809 |  Hisar - Haryana
Contract Value : 1.47 Crore | Agency Name : Haryana Power Generation Corporation Limited
Tender award for running and maintenance of health centre at rgtpp colony and first aid centre at rgtpp along with ambulance services round the clock
44 Annual Maintenance Contrac for carrying out the civil works of outside area of multistorey residential and non-residential buildings for height above 4 m upto 25 m (seven storey) on exterior side in RGTPP colony, Khedar (Hisar).
45 Providing and fixing fiber sheeted shed on backside of community centre,backside of VIP guest house,backside of officer club, CISFroof kitchen,field hostel kitchen and covering holes in parapet wall with fiber sheet in type V andVI at RGTPP colony
46 Supply of Separator Body Liners for Coal Mills
TRN : 740590 |  Hisar - Haryana
Contract Value : 3.24 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana Power Generation Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of separator body liners for coal mills
47 Painting of 02 no. Clarifiers bridges, piping of DM Plant area, PT plant area , CPU Area and other miscellaneous areas pertaining to DM Plant and CPU etc. in unit I and II of 2x300 MW, DCRTPP, HPGCL, Yamuna Nagar.
48 Maintenance of landscaping and arboriculture arrangement on ARC basis at DCRTPP Colony
TRN : 732786 |  Yamuna Nagar - Haryana
Contract Value : 34.08 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana Power Generation Corporation Limited
Tender award for maintenance of landscaping and arboriculture arrangement on arc basis at dcrtpp colony
49 Hygienic cleaning and sweeping of roads, paths approaches including disposal of debris, malba, garbage etc. at DCRTPP Colony,
TRN : 732787 |  Yamuna Nagar - Haryana
Contract Value : 43.43 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana Power Generation Corporation Limited
Tender award for hygienic cleaning and sweeping of roads, paths approaches including disposal of debris, malba, garbage etc. at dcrtpp colony,
50 Annual Running Contract for Grass Cutting and Deweeding of stone pitching, open area, switch yards of all Power houses and Hydel colony at WYC HE Project Bhudkalan

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