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241 Rising main up to KDB Road sewerline
TRN : 711856 |  Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value : 7.67 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for rising main up to kdb road sewerline
TRN : 711859 |  Bhiwani - Haryana
Contract Value : 90.6 Thousand | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for repair and white wash of xen residence in ngm at (minor work)
243 special repair of LR from NGM Shahabad to Jandheri Jogi Majra Road
TRN : 711861 |  Kurukshetra - Haryana
Contract Value : 53.85 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for special repair of lr from ngm shahabad to jandheri jogi majra road
244 special repair of LR from Shadipur to Pipli
TRN : 711862 |  Karnal - Haryana
Contract Value : 61.45 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for special repair of lr from shadipur to pipli
245 Providing and shifting sewer line in back side of shop no. 555
TRN : 738856 |  Karnal - Haryana
Contract Value : 12.64 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for providing and shifting sewer line in back side of shop no. 555
246 Annual Repair of MC properties of Sub Yard Ballah (MC Assandh) for FY 2019-20
TRN : 738853 |  Karnal - Haryana
Contract Value : 2.30 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for annual repair of mc properties of sub yard ballah (mc assandh) for fy 2019-20
247 Annual Repair of 2 Nos. FSG at Karnal for the FY 2019-20
TRN : 738863 |  Karnal - Haryana
Contract Value : 2.59 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for annual repair of 2 nos. fsg at karnal for the fy 2019-20
248 Shifting of exiting sewerage system in NGM at Gharaunda
TRN : 738865 |  Karnal - Haryana
Contract Value : 26.40 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for shifting of exiting sewerage system in ngm at gharaunda
249 Construction of BAO Building at Dadri-I
TRN : 711857 |  Rohtak - Haryana
Contract Value : 41.22 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for construction of bao building at dadri-i
250 Construction of BAO Building at Vill. Bond Kalan
TRN : 711858 |  Bhiwani - Haryana
Contract Value : 41.22 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for construction of bao building at vill. bond kalan

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