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71 Improvement of existing sodium lighting installations with LED lights in NVM at Bahadurgarh.
TRN : 763587 |  Bahadurgarh - Haryana
Contract Value : 11.41 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for improvement of existing sodium lighting installations with led lights in nvm at bahadurgarh.
72 Providing of High Mast lighting installation, service line and Electrification for covered Shed in extension mandi NVM at Mohindergarh.
TRN : 763588 |  Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value : 7.45 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for providing of high mast lighting installation, service line and electrification for covered shed in extension mandi nvm at mohindergarh.
73 Improvement of existing sodium lighting installations with LED lights in NGM at Kalanwali.
TRN : 763589 |  Hisar - Haryana
Contract Value : 9.17 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for improvement of existing sodium lighting installations with led lights in ngm at kalanwali.
74 Improvement of existing sodium lighting installations with LED lights in Sub-yard NGM/NVM at Matan Hail (MC Jhajjar).
TRN : 763590 |  Jhajjar - Haryana
Contract Value : 16.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for improvement of existing sodium lighting installations with led lights in sub-yard ngm/nvm at matan hail (mc jhajjar).
75 Improvement of existing sodium lighting installations with LED lights in NGM / OGM /Cotton Market/ Vegetable Market at Barwala (Distt. Hisar).
TRN : 763591 |  Hisar - Haryana
Contract Value : 27.48 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for improvement of existing sodium lighting installations with led lights in ngm / ogm /cotton market/ vegetable market at barwala (distt. hisar).
76 Improvement of existing sodium lighting installations with LED lights in NGM and NVM at Sohna.
TRN : 763594 |  Hisar - Haryana
Contract Value : 11.46 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for improvement of existing sodium lighting installations with led lights in ngm and nvm at sohna.
77 Re-Construction of one no. common plat.,raising and strengthening of internal roads and raising of Boundary Wall in NGM at Behal
TRN : 749344 |  Rohtak - Haryana
Contract Value : 1.22 Crore | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for re-construction of one no. common plat.,raising and strengthening of internal roads and raising of boundary wall in ngm at behal
78 Construction of link road from Obra to Bardu Mughal (ID-9932)
TRN : 749345 |  Bhiwani - Haryana
Contract Value : 91.31 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for construction of link road from obra to bardu mughal (id-9932)
79 Construction of LR from Dhani Hunat to Dhulkot (ID-9929)
TRN : 749347 |  Rohtak - Haryana
Contract Value : 55.19 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for construction of lr from dhani hunat to dhulkot (id-9929)
80 Construction of LR from Khera to Gadhwa (ID-9929)
TRN : 749348 |  Rohtak - Haryana
Contract Value : 1.39 Crore | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for construction of lr from khera to gadhwa (id-9929)

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