You have searched for indian-oil-corporation-limited in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

5411 Lighting Job for the New Scrap Yard Near New Tank Farm Area of Guwahati Refinery.
TRN : 676353 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 3.06 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for lighting job for the new scrap yard near new tank farm area of guwahati refinery.
5412 Support Service for Maintenance of Compressors in All Unit of Guwahati Refinery.
TRN : 676354 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 31.01 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for support service for maintenance of compressors in all unit of guwahati refinery.
5413 Civil and Structural Works for Extensive Repair and Strengthening of RCC Wall of DCU Coke Yard at Guwahati Refinery.
TRN : 676355 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 29.93 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for civil and structural works for extensive repair and strengthening of rcc wall of dcu coke yard at guwahati refinery.
5414 Operation of OWC at Sector-II and III of Guwahati Refinery.
TRN : 676356 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 46.29 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for operation of owc at sector-ii and iii of guwahati refinery.
5415 Health Assessment of Existing Cathodic Protection System and Annual Monitoring and Maintenance Work for Two Years
TRN : 676357 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 35.75 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for health assessment of existing cathodic protection system and annual monitoring and maintenance work for two years
5416 Light/Fan color coding, Making and repair of TPM circle/Activity board, Digital printing and fixing of OPL/Kaizen, Printing and fixing of equipment SOPs, Painting/cartoon making and other TPM related jobs in Guwahati Refinery.
5417 Repair of defects identified in the ILI survey of Paradip-Balasore (PB) section of Paradip Haldia Barauni Crude Pipeline
TRN : 676359 |  Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value : 20.32 Crore | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for repair of defects identified in the ili survey of paradip-balasore (pb) section of paradip haldia barauni crude pipeline
5418 Conversion of offsite bitumen roads to RCC road including widening of road from Railway crossing gate to highway (Bihat) in Barauni Refinery.
5419 Procurement of Pump Couplings for different units of Barauni Refinery
TRN : 676361 |  Barauni - Bihar
Contract Value : 8.57 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for procurement of pump couplings for different units of barauni refinery
5420 External Painting of Officers and Employees quarters including associated civil repair works at Barauni Refinery Township.
TRN : 676362 |  Barauni - Bihar
Contract Value : 3.15 Crore | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for external painting of officers and employees quarters including associated civil repair works at barauni refinery township.

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