6582Engagement of additional Land Acquisition Personnel for assisting Competent Authority for land acquisition and associated works for Pipeline laying activities in the State of Bihar under PHDPL-Aug and HBPL project.
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
39.32 Lacs |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited
6589Design, Engineering, Preparation of Drawings & Documents, Obtaining approvals from Owner/PMC on drawings/documents,. Procurement, Fabrication& manufacturing, Deployment of TPI agency to carry out inspection at Shop, Issuance of release note, packing, forwarding, transportation handling, site erection, testing, commissioning, Guarantee test and handing over of Boiler at Kandla LPG import terminal”
Kandla - Gujarat
Contract Value :
13.49 Crore |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited